How to put a geek uninstaller icon on desktop
How to put a geek uninstaller icon on desktop

Follow these steps to uninstall the program/ package-ġ. This is the easiest but the most effective process to uninstall any program/ application/ package from your computer. Method-3: Uninstall programs from Program and Features. Reboot your computer to finish the uninstallation process on your computer. Now, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the unistallation process. When a prompt stating “ This app and its related info will be uninstalled” will appear, click on “ Uninstall” to finally start the uninstallation process.ģ. Click on the application you want to uninstall and then click on “ Uninstall“. Scroll down to find the application or click on “ Search this list” and type the name of the application. Now, on the right side of Settings window, under Apps & features, you will find the list of applications and packages. On the left pane, click on “ Apps & features“. Now, click on “ Apps” to open applications settings.Ģ.

how to put a geek uninstaller icon on desktop

You can uninstall the program from Settings menu also.ġ. Method-2 Uninstall a program from Settings. Reboot your computer to finish the uninstallation process. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the unistallation process. Right click on the application and then click on “ Uninstall“.Ģ. In the elevated search result look for the application. Click on the Search box beside the Windows icon and type the name of application or package you want to uninstall. Method-1: Uninstall a program from Start menu-ġ. Method-8 Use third-party application uninstaller.Method-7 Delete the Registry key of the application.Method-6 Uninstall the program in Safe Mode.

how to put a geek uninstaller icon on desktop

Method-5 Use default program uninstaller.Method-4: Use Program Installer and Uninstaller troubleshooter.Method-3: Uninstall programs from Program and Features.Method-2 Uninstall a program from Settings.Method-1: Uninstall a program from Start menu.

How to put a geek uninstaller icon on desktop