All diablo 3 classes
All diablo 3 classes

all diablo 3 classes all diablo 3 classes

And yes, I’ve kind of stolen this list idea from GamesRadar. So this got me thinking: When Diablo 3 releases its inevitable expansion pack, what new character classes might they add to the game? Just in case anyone at Blizzard reads my blog, I’ve decided to make a few suggestions. I played as both, though the latter was my favorite. Not only could the Druid rain fiery meteors down upon his enemies, but he summoned wild animals to his side, and was both a werewolf and a werebear! He was totally boss! The best things to come out of the Diablo 2 expansion pack were two new character classes: the Assassin and the Druid. You started with the main game, and then a few months or years later, the developers would come out with an expansion and basically say, “We know you love our game, so here’s even more of it to play! Plus new characters! New accessories! Basically just a bunch of new stuff! Now where’s our money?” My guide has helped me to find the right class - not just the "best" class.It definitely wasn’t the badass charactersįor those of you who don’t know video games, expansion packs were sort of mini sequels to popular games, adding new content and new levels just for the fun of it. I took their opinions and compiled them into a personality test of sorts, lining up certain types of human traits with the various fighters of Satan. I didn't need to know what was the best class for everyone I needed to know the best class for me. Like they were flawless, God's gifts to demon slaying. They boasted about their classes like they were 10-year-olds that had just got the honor roll. Paralyzed, I polled my colleagues at The Verge and Polygon for help. They all looked so cool, and I had successfully had details spoiled in advance: One had exploding dogs, while another could make it rain arrows. I immediately stalled when the game gave me the choice of five different classes. As I saw it, I would download the Diablo 3 client, install it onto my Mac, and make no contact with the outside for at least 48 consecutive hours. Last weekend, after weeks of travel and a turbulent eleven-hour flight, I returned to my modest apartment to what I thought would be a relaxed weekend of finally playing my most anticipated game of 2012.

all diablo 3 classes

I've lost hours thinking it over: which class should I play in Diablo 3?

All diablo 3 classes