Gardenscape from the villa of livia
Gardenscape from the villa of livia

gardenscape from the villa of livia gardenscape from the villa of livia

The Third Style remains popular until the middle of the first century A.D., when it is replaced by the Fourth Style of Roman painting both styles coexist in the Domus Aurea, the luxurious pleasure palace of the emperor Nero in downtown Rome. Third Style painting, as Professor Kleiner demonstrates, is characterized by departure from the perspectival vistas and panoramas of the Second Style toward an attenuation of architectural elements and a respect for the inherent flatness of the wall. villas belonging to the imperial family and other elite patrons. Professor Kleiner discusses the development of Third Style Roman wall painting in late first century B.C. Lecture 7 - Gilding the Lily: Painting Palaces and Villas in the First Century A.D.

Gardenscape from the villa of livia